Barrage remix challenge RULES
This is just a fun remix challenge, there will be no compensation.
The remix challenge starts on 5/03/2021 and ends on 5/10/2021.
Read and accept the terms and conditions (they will pop-up when adding the stems to your cart).
Download the stems (link below).
Make a killer remix!
Title your killer remix as ‘STATX - Barrage (Your Artist Name Remix)’.
Email your killer remix in wav file format to by 5/10/2021.
Upload your remix to and only to your Soundcloud page on Monday 5/10/2021 (not before!).
Share your remix on your Instagram account on or after 5/10/2021 if you’d like (no other social medial sites or platforms, please!)
Most importantly: have fun!
Barrage Stems