Steve Homan, better known by his producer name STATX (pronounced Stat-icks), is an experimental electronic music producer. The pseudonym “STATX” is a combination of “ST” from Steve and “ATX”, which is an abbreviation for Austin, Texas, where he currently resides.
Steve was encouraged to play music at an early age. His mother would take him to various shows and music festivals in and around Austin, which had a big impact on his early musical taste, and where his love for playing the drums began. He started playing percussion for the school band in the 6th grade and pieced his first drum set together throughout his junior high school years. He continued playing percussion on into high school and was a drummer in several garage rock and metal bands from middle school on into his 20’s. After his high school years, his musical creations expanded into instrumental hip-hop and electronica. It was around this time that he developed an interest in audio recording for the bands he was in and beat production for his hip-hop and electronic side interests. Eventually the bands faded away and these “side interests” started to take center stage. Within a year of this musical shift [2010], he conceived the name STATX and founded an indie label as an outlet for all of the music he had been recording on the side.
In addition to being a husband and family man, working on his future releases, and performing live, he also runs a monthly producer showcase called Imaginary Stereo, co-hosts a weekly podcast called That’s A Trip, and is co-founder of an Austin based non-profit (to be announced soon!).
Ski Interlude [Single] from “Off The Record Mixtape Vol. 1” by Nox & Ski [2011]
Favorite Things & Prophetski’s Interlude [Singles] from "Como Mantequilla" by Prophetski [2011]
Fabrika De Hip-Hop [Single] from the self titled album "Fabrika De Hip-Hop” [2012]
The #Trillmatic EP [Album] by Prophetski [2013]
Stereo Atypical [Album] by STATX [5.13.14]
Yellow And Grey [Music Video] by STATX [12.10.14]
Stereo Btypical [Album] by STATX [5.13.16]
Caught In Two Minds Podcast [Intro & Outro] by STATX [8.2016]
MNML [Album] by STATX [5.23.18]
Bounce [Music Video] by STATX [5.31.18]
Phase [EP] by STATX [9.19.19]
Pleadings [Music Video] by STATX [12.05.19]
Kindred [Single] by STATX [1.06.20]
Sleep Automatic by Brainwavve (feat. Honey Son) STATX Remix [7.31.20]
Grain [Music Video] by STATX [8.27.20]
ISO [Single] by Lizarazo & STATX [9.18.20]
Bones [EP] by STATX [10.09.20]
That’s A Trip Podcast [Intro and Outro] written by E. Marshall, recorded by STATX [10.15.20]
Generratic [Music Video] by STATX [10.23.20]
Crash [Single] by STATX [11.20.20]
Barrage [1st single from ‘Empyreal’] by STATX [2.12.21]
Get Back [2nd single from ‘Empyreal’] by STATX [3.19.21]
Empyreal [EP] by STATX [4.16.21]
Eruptor [Single] by STATX [5.27.21]
Caracara [Single] by STATX & Long Tongue [5.21.22]
ALTR [Album] by STATX - Coming soon!
STATX on the Boosh Life Podcast [6.18.18]
Voyage Dallas [8.1.18]
Imaginary Stereo on the Boosh Life Podcast [12.28.19]
Conscious Electronic [11.19.20]
Voyage Austin [11.16.21]
STATX | 1984